NE Urbanite seeking that special someone
Minneapolis, Minnesota | Мушкарац тражим ТС/ТВ/ТГ
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Мој опис
Who I am I in a nut shell, seems like describing myself in a nut shell would be selling myself short, also I would like to meet a woman who is going to be interested in me because of what she learns from me in person and not from a check list of questions. Don?t get me wrong, I understand the list, I have mine, I think I can get my list out and tell you about me at the same time.
These days I enjoy imports and micro brews. Really love Russia River Pinot Noirs, big bold Reds, nothing wrong with a good white either. On rare occasions I will have a good Manhattan. A Bloody Mary is a given on Saturday and Sunday mornings. So the person I am with must be ok with drinking, I am not a drunk but I do enjoy my libations.
I am a very creative caring person; I think some of the great things about Minneapolis are the arts, food, bars, light rail, Gay marriage and all those crazy Liberals! You should feel the same way. If the words Fox News come out of your mouth, it should only be because of a great distain or a joke, but really those people are not funny, they are scary!
I love food more than anything so far that I have found in the world. I am Omnivore; try to eat only happy grass fed animals, organic vegetables and fruits. Don't but any processed foods, grains or flower. Shop only at Co-Ops, small local shops and have a CSA and next spring an large garden that will grow larger each year. Doesn't mean I will not jump of the wagon for good pizza or pasta once in a while! Hell I will even make the pizza or pasta from scratch! 80% of my diet is vegetarian, but the other 20% is some of the best meat on earth. Just to be clear dive bars and greasy burgers make the world go round, just not everyday
I love Crossfit and workout every day and goto the gym 3 days a week.
I like tattoos, only have three, one on my upper left arm, back and chest are. If you have them you get it, if you don't it is not a deal breaker. I understand it is a very personal thing. Should note that I am not a "tattoo guy", most people have no idea I have tattoos, as I said it is a very personal thing, mine are mine and not a fashion statement.
Believe a man should a man. He should be well groomed and dressed. He will always light a cigarette for a lady, although you should not smoke, but I understand there are times you just need a smoke! A man should hold a door open, whether it is a man or woman walking through it, you should say please and thank you. He should get up and go to work and take care of his business. I own a duplex in NE, have health insurance and even a pension.
Let me some it up for you, I am a good guy, my employer, friends, even my ex say I am. I can build you a house from the ground up, cook you dinner, make art to put on the walls, wash and iron a shirt, do the dishes and clean the house, I really enjoy going on long walks, wine, food, antiques (hate pro sports and sports bars) have good hair and teeth, I am clean, I am fun, will make you laugh and glad you met me, really no BS, looking for that one person. I have a hand and not a scared to use it, sex is great, but a friend/lover/partner is better.
These days I enjoy imports and micro brews. Really love Russia River Pinot Noirs, big bold Reds, nothing wrong with a good white either. On rare occasions I will have a good Manhattan. A Bloody Mary is a given on Saturday and Sunday mornings. So the person I am with must be ok with drinking, I am not a drunk but I do enjoy my libations.
I am a very creative caring person; I think some of the great things about Minneapolis are the arts, food, bars, light rail, Gay marriage and all those crazy Liberals! You should feel the same way. If the words Fox News come out of your mouth, it should only be because of a great distain or a joke, but really those people are not funny, they are scary!
I love food more than anything so far that I have found in the world. I am Omnivore; try to eat only happy grass fed animals, organic vegetables and fruits. Don't but any processed foods, grains or flower. Shop only at Co-Ops, small local shops and have a CSA and next spring an large garden that will grow larger each year. Doesn't mean I will not jump of the wagon for good pizza or pasta once in a while! Hell I will even make the pizza or pasta from scratch! 80% of my diet is vegetarian, but the other 20% is some of the best meat on earth. Just to be clear dive bars and greasy burgers make the world go round, just not everyday
I love Crossfit and workout every day and goto the gym 3 days a week.
I like tattoos, only have three, one on my upper left arm, back and chest are. If you have them you get it, if you don't it is not a deal breaker. I understand it is a very personal thing. Should note that I am not a "tattoo guy", most people have no idea I have tattoos, as I said it is a very personal thing, mine are mine and not a fashion statement.
Believe a man should a man. He should be well groomed and dressed. He will always light a cigarette for a lady, although you should not smoke, but I understand there are times you just need a smoke! A man should hold a door open, whether it is a man or woman walking through it, you should say please and thank you. He should get up and go to work and take care of his business. I own a duplex in NE, have health insurance and even a pension.
Let me some it up for you, I am a good guy, my employer, friends, even my ex say I am. I can build you a house from the ground up, cook you dinner, make art to put on the walls, wash and iron a shirt, do the dishes and clean the house, I really enjoy going on long walks, wine, food, antiques (hate pro sports and sports bars) have good hair and teeth, I am clean, I am fun, will make you laugh and glad you met me, really no BS, looking for that one person. I have a hand and not a scared to use it, sex is great, but a friend/lover/partner is better.
Хороскопски знак
Изглед и стање
Моје грађа
168 цм
Боја очију
Боје лешника
Брачно стање
Имам децу
Желим децу
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Телесна обележја
Тетоваже по целом телу, Тетоважа на видном месту
Боја косе
Тамно плава
Немам кућне љубимце
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу
Образовни ниво
Факултет, али га нисам завршио/завршила
Мој радни однос
Пуно радно време
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
getting whatever has to be done, I do
Мој годишњи приход
$75.000USD до $99.999USD
Код куће
Увек је мирно
Да - често
У средњој школи био/била сам
У друштву сам
Волим да флертујем, Посматрач, Отворен/отоврена, Уздржан/уздржана
Моја интересовања и хобији
Уметност и занат, Глуварење по клубовима, Рачунари, Кување, Вечере, Вежбање/Тренирање, Пецање/лов, Баштованство, Учење, Филмове, Музика, Фотографија, Шопинг, Позориште, Путовања
Како замишљам провод
Клубови/барови, Пиће, Дружење с пријатељима, Шопинг, Посета музеју, Журке, Блеја, Волим да останем код куће, Биоскоп, Волим да испробавам нове ствари
Мој савршен први састанак
dinner, the best way to get to know someone, share good food & wine
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Моји пријатељи желе бити ја, Кул, Чудан/чудна
Погледи/Животни ставови
Идем у цркву
Мој животни циљ
to enjoy life
Мој смисао за хумор
Паметан, Сиров/саркастичан, Блесав/блесава, Чудан/чудна, Садистички, Непримерен(а)
На ТВ-у увек гледам
Вести, Цртане филмове, Документарце, Филмове
У биоскопу увек гледам
Акције, Комедије, Драме, Документарце, Хороре
Увек слушам
Блуз, Класична, Кантри, Народна, Џез, Панк, Реп, Рок, Сол
Увек читам
Историјске, Кућа и башта, Природа, Вести, Референтне, Техничке
Како замишљам добру забаву
Shopping for food, wine, clothing (yes a guy that likes to shop) Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Whole Foods, Surdyk's. Moives, day trips, exploring new things, dancing-singing even thow I am no good at either.
Шта Вас привлачи?
Одважност, Саосећајност, Флертовање, Изглед, Смисао за хумор, Интелигенција, Новац, Чудноватост, Осећајност, Спонтаност, Брижљивост, Домишљатост
Шта тражите?
really would like to find someone who does not NEED to be taken care off, but does not mind being taken care of. Someone who is OK with a a gentleman being a gentleman, but does not need everything handed to them.
If you are a woman who can take care of herself then I would not mind taking car of you.
If you are a woman who can take care of herself then I would not mind taking car of you.
Какву везу тражите?
Пријатељ, Састанак, Интима, Посвећеност, Брак